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Holistic Health Mentorship I

If you are a MD (psychiatrist or other specialty), DO, PA, NP, psychologist, or therapist and you desire to transition your practice to a more holistic model, you can learn from me!  I have a variable length (4-25 weeks) systems-based (psychiatry, neurology, endocrine, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, reproductive, etc.) + special topics curriculum of 1:1 study in holistic health & medicine designed to help you:


1. Practice in a completely integrative fashion (blending traditional medicine with complementary alternatives or leaving behind traditional medicine altogether)


2. Develop spiritually (yourself)


3. Heal your own mind and body 


4. Learn to approach all common medical problems (mental and physical) thru an intuitive, earth-centered lens


5. Learn to properly nourish yourself (and your patients) with Ayurvedic + whole foods/macrobiotic nutrition and Western + Eastern herbal medicine instruction


6. Learn the importance of digestion, gut microflora, and detoxification in health (clinical approach-no lab testing needed)


7. Understand of the role of stress (and oxidation) in illness and the role of nature/earth + antioxidants & adaptogens in rejuvenation


8. Learn to meditate and incorporate it into your life and work


9. Find your true path and unique niche within medicine/healing. Reimagine your career so it perfectly fits your lifestyle and personality.  Attract your ideal clients by being your authentic self!


10. Understand that the foundation of healing is L      V E


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Herbal medicine preparation with herbs a
Mentorship sessions are often guided by the student's current professional practice. I will offer teaching, advice, & "processing" relevant to your own cases.
Students can choose "all psychiatry" topics or select any combination of the lessons listed below.  
Case studies from my practice, occasional homework assignments, and personal (working on your own health) + career coaching (marketing, practice development, branding, and more) are included.  

4-Week Mentorship:  4 60-minute 1:1 sessions with me to happen via Zoom or Skype . $575 

4-Week Mentorship PLUS: 4 90-minute 1:1 sessions via Skype or Zoom. $855

8-Week Mentorship:  8 60-minute sessions via Zoom or Skype:  $1050

8-Week Mentorship PLUS: 8 90-minutes 1:1 sessions via Skype or Zoom. $1585

16-Week Mentorship PLUS: 16 90-minute 1:1 sessions via Zoom or Skype. $3000

32-Week Mentorship PLUS:  32 90-minute sessions ~ every week for 8 months.  Online via Zoom or Skype.  You will know much of what I know after this and feel confident in the practice of holistic medicine.  $5665 

*A personalized health evaluation can be added on to any program for the discounted student price of $255. An astrology reading can be added for the student price of $175. If you want to use some of the time to work on your own healing, this is recommended.  

To apply: fill out the paperwork under the "more>>client paperwork" tab.  Return by email.  Space is limited, so there sometimes is a short wait for a time slot.  If accepted, payment is via Paypal or Venmo.  Sessions are usually on Tu or Thurs.  Payment plans are available. 

Lesson Topics: 


Psychiatry/Mind: stress, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, sleep/insomnia, addiction, eco-psychology, mindfulness/meditation, trust/acceptance, self-actualization, environmental psychology, positive psychology, and memory/cognitive enhancement. 


Body: pulmonary/lung, renal/kidney, cardiovascular, reproductive/sexual function, endocrine system/hormone disorders, immune system/allergies/auto-immune disorders, musculoskeletal/pain/inflammation, gastrointestinal/microbiome, & neurology.


Spirit: developing intuition, shamanic skills, ceremony/ritual, plant-spirit medicine, vibrational healing/sound healing, energy medicine, expressive arts therapies, & guided imagery.


Special Sessions: yoga (practice + philosophy), nutrition, career coaching, karma/dharma (finding your soul's path), dreamwork/interpreting dreams, plant-spirit medicine, Ayurveda, parapsychology (psychic experiences, past lives, near death experiences, etc.), & intro to astrology.

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